Merritt Clubs Blog


Trick or Treat!

Posted by Merritt Clubs

Oct 30, 2019

Happy Halloween! This is it! The kids have changed their minds about costumes no less than 5 times, the pumpkins are carved and lit, and all that’s left is the magical night of trick or treating. Halloween is beyond exciting for kids (and some adults!). They’re hyper, distracted, and determined to stay up and eat as much candy as possible.

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Topics: kids health fitness, snacking, healthty living

A Healthy Lifestyle Should Also Include Healthy Snacking

Posted by Sterling McKinley

Oct 15, 2015

Healthy snacking is just as important to a diet and living a healthy lifestyle as is eating a healthy meal. So while reaching for a bag of chips and a soda during a break once in a while won't completely ruin your diet, sticking to a calorie count that suits your metabolic needs is what is more important. One right choice will not only fill your day with the power your body needs, but it will also lead to other positives, and not just ones that are health-related.

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Topics: food, health, food tips, health snacks, health tips, snacking